What Have Sandov and Belev Completed in the Ministry of Ecology For 7 Months?

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What Have Sandov and Belev Completed in the Ministry of Ecology For 7 Months?

They’ve turned the Ministry of Environment and Water into a state non-governmental organization. Sandov’s first job is actually as a Minister of Ecology

For 7 months in the Ministry of Environment and Water Borislav Sandov and Toma Belev has produced only scandals and doubtful decisions in favour of the Green organizations. They’ve turned the Ministry of Environment and Water into a state non-governmental organization.

They’ve appointed ecologists – activists as advisers who are without any administrative and management experience. They’ve created problems that are to be fixed for years.

This is what the minister and the deputy minister of the Green Movement created for 7 months – the period they feudalized the Ministry of Environment and Water:

1. Even on December 30, 2021, just a week after Toma Belev was appointed deputy Minister, the Council of Ministers adopted the management plan of Bulgarka Park, without the mandatory environmental assessment. It is worth 2.6 million BGN and was prepared by a team led by Toma Belev, in his capacity as individual. The plan has been appealed by the municipality of Gabrovo because it is blocked the bypass of the city and the construction of the tunnel under Shipka.


2. The first spectacular scandal that Sandov caused was that he signed agreement with a private dubious paramilitary company to guard the areas in Natura 2000. He initially lied by stating that this was not true. After Eco News published the contract Sandov went into hiding. Even supporters of the Greens subjected him to heavy criticism for this decision and his they looked for an account against what and why he did it.

3. The first law that Sandov proposed back in January was to reinstated the two-instance appeal of the environmental assessments and EIA for the projects of national importance – highways, tunnels, railway infrastructure and energy projects. This restored the opportunity for green NGOs to block, depending on their interests, any project they decide that it must be stopped. Even six deputies were against this amendment, led by Ivaylo Mirchev, from We continue the change and Democratic Bulgaria. The law was passed to please the greens, but will come into effect in 2024. Because everyone realizes what nonsense this is.

4. Alone and in a hurry, with serious suspicion of addictions, Toma Belev allowed the development of Arcutino, although the Flag of Peace project is in Ropotamo Reserve. For this action, the former deputy minister took a healthy criticism mostly from his peers.

5. The Ministry of Ecology practically failed the expansion of PAVETS "Chair" so necessary for our energy system. The MoEW adopted the decisions of the Biodiversity Council and declared the Niska Rila protected area. Иt turned out to include the Yadenitsa dam, which is the main part of the reconstruction for increasing power. For this project, the Ministry of Energy they praised that it will start soon. Because of Niska Rila, this is no longer possible happened.

6. Another achievement of the two representatives of the "Green Movement", which makes up 1/3 of Democratic Bulgaria, well, they refused to appoint environmental assessment of the infamous Nasekomo enterprise. Not only that, Sandov canceled the order of his predecessor Asen Lichev, with which he assigns such an assessment. We remind you that the Nasekomo company is located only at a few kilometers from the capital, in Lozen. In the middle of residential buildings and houses. There are breeding genetically modified black soldier flies, a species that is unnatural for Bulgaria, it is invasive and feeds on carrion. That's where it comes from the fetid smell, because of which the villagers repeatedly they protested. It is interesting that before becoming Kiril Petkov's advisor, the company is managed by Yana Balnikova. The main investment in Nasekomo, on the other hand, is from a fund run by Daniel Laurer before it became Minister.

7. One of the most scandalous decisions of the Sandov-Belev tandem was the decision to ensure undisturbed summer vacation of the family of Kiril Petkov and their friends. The Ministry of Education and Culture announced 1.3 sq. km. from the sea in front of Coral beach for a protected area. Their reasons for this decision were so unreal that RIOSV Burgas felt ashamed of them. First was that he was going there to introduce a monk seal. Nonsense. Then they banned all vessels including surfing and kitesurfing. But Sandov in the final order left them, which confirmed that it was a question of a lobbyist and a decision to the prime minister and father his. In the order in question there are such absurdities as that she was there the carago hatchery and the place where 3 species of dolphins lived. Against the fishermen from Tsarevo and Primorsko came out to protest these insanities, and the mayor of Tsarevo announced that the municipality will appeal this illegal order to the Supreme Court.

8. In order to raise its falling rating, despite the 24/7 it was on TV studios, Sandov concocted a PR stunt with the closing of Brickell. And this him made at the height of the global energy crisis and soaring electricity prices. The former minister tried to stop this structurally important enterprise for the energy security of the country. Of course, the court overturned this decision as well of Sandov. Today, the Supreme Administrative Court ruled in favor of TPP.

9. Sandov created the biggest betrayal of the country's interests in his last hour as a minister. At 17.00 on the first of August, Sandov signed a decision canceling a large part of AM's EIA procedures regarding Kresna gorge. This document turned out to be prepared not by employees of the department, and from Sandov's adviser – the environmentalist-activist and former co-chairman of the "Greens" party, Andrey Kovachev. These two solutions are also released without the mandatory approval procedures in the Ministyr. There are also doubts about their inclusion in the record keeping system. Moreover the same day, the Road Infrastructure Agency announced that they would appeal. For more than 20 years, the Greens have been lobbying for a tunnel through the Kresnen gorge. There are claims that they are doing it for the benefit of a Swiss company that has drilling machines. In the circles close to We Continue the Change and the Democratic coalition Bulgaria, which elevated them to minister and deputy are terrified of mines, which Sandov and Belev placed before the country's economy. It worked hard said that the giving of the MoEW to the greens was reported as one of the most the big mistakes of the government. Hristo Ivanov even reported that the most the serious mistake that the Quadruple Coalition made was feudalization of the ministries and from there the total lack of control. It's DB's fault that fulfilled Sandov's whim and created the fictitious post of Deputy Prime Minister for climate, which Sandov will most likely be the only one in history.

Minister of Ecology is the first job of the 40-year-old Sandov. In labor his book will be marked 7 months as deputy prime minister and minister. Even his own party, the Green Movement, did not re-elect him as chairman.



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