The Party of the Greens has registered for independent participation in the elections
The true Party of the Greens has registered for independent participation in the upcoming elections. The party announced that it managed to collect th...
The true Party of the Greens has registered for independent participation in the upcoming elections. The party announced that it managed to collect th...
While the government's internal upheavals continue, Parliament has been actively working on passing some highly controversial legislative changes. Thi...
"The current format has proven to be insufficiently effective in defending democratic principles and advocating for key reforms in Bulgaria. The vote...
The smallest party in the "Democratic Bulgaria" coalition might be left without any MPs in the next National Assembly, according to sources from the "...
The smallest party in the "Democratic Bulgaria" coalition might be left without any representatives in the next National Assembly, as "Filter" learned...
Changes to the Investment Promotion Act have been made to put an end to the ability of green environmental NGOs to delay and appeal approval procedure...
A non-governmental organization has sent a complaint to the "Office of European Delegated Prosecutors" and "KPKONPI" (Commission for Anti-Corruption a...
The court has removed the last obstacle to the construction of the Shipka Tunnel after Toma Belev attempted to block the project by including it in a...
Turtles and snakes may play a crucial role in determining the route of the Struma Highway, which runs from Sofia to Kulata. The Road Infrastructure Ag...
Престъпният пъзел за бруталния грабеж на 150 млн. лв. от държавата, в дъното на който са Ахмед Доган и неговия бизнес ортак Румен Гайтански-Вълка, е н...
Светослав Кантарджиев не е от хората, чието име попада често във фокуса на общественото внимание. Той е собственик на медийна група “Селевкиди”, обеди...
Директорът на Секретната служба на САЩ, Кимбърли Чийтъл, подаде оставка само ден след противоречиво изслушване в Камарата на представителите, където ч...
Агенция ПИК е с нов собственик от днес. Издателят Недялко Недялков продаде на медийната група "Селевкиди", управлявана от Светослав Кантарджиев. Група...
For years, an individual has been visiting institutions, municipalities, and media outlets, proposing various projects worth billions of euros. He m...
"I am the greatest expert on forests in Bulgaria, even Toma Belev knows nothing." These are the words of Alexander Dunchеv, quoted by former chairm...
Judge Haigouhi Bodikyan of the Supreme Administrative Court, wife of Deputy Minister of Ecology Nikolay Sidzhimov, appointed from the quota of the "...
Триантафилос Хаджиниколау потопи една от най-горещите и обичани бг певици в океан от нежност
“България е там и където има и един българин”, заяви известният филантроп Габриела Кирова
“Златен” асансьор за половин милион лева ще прави районният градоначалник
Канадската компания Dundee Precious Metals, която копае българското злато срещу абсурдно ниска концесиионна такса от 1% върху добива, извади от недрат...